Our foreign investors’ representation in Israel service, suits mainly wealthy private individuals, as well as corporations which enjoy a massive scope of financial activity. Both will receive in-depth consulting as to the potential purchase of real and financial assets.
The self-evident importance of a professional advice on this matter recently became even more pivotal, due to the recommendations put forward by the Israeli committee dealing with the Israeli economy’s decentralization efforts. Soon enough a subsequent bill will probably be approved by the Israeli legislature and every possible investor out there is ought to understand the exact implications such a bill may have on him.
The ability of Barry Ben-Zeev, founder of “Woolfson Consulting Ltd.”, to provide its clients with impartial and completely objective advice, guarantees they’ll receive an in-depth reasoned assessment of any investment they intend to make. Furthermore, Mr. Ben-Zeev’s fundamental familiarity with the global business culture on one hand, and the Israeli business culture on the other, serves as a yet another guarantee for a quality reliable and professional representation of your interests every step of the way.
Moreover, even if you have already received an assessment as to the advisability of any future acquisition, we recommend getting a second opinion, in order for you to be able to make an as informed decision as possible. At “Woolfson Consulting Ltd”, we will provide you with a detailed assessment allowing you to see the entire picture before you make your decision
Mr. Barry Ben-Zeev, founder of “Woolfson Consulting Ltd.”, possesses a unique combination of highly valuable financial experience – both in domestic (Israeli) and international markets. The wide variety of senior posts held by Mr. Ben-Zeev, including during his tenure as CFO and Deputy CEO of Bank Hapoalim, serves as an exclusive and indispensable competitive advantage you want on your side.